
Category: Seeds Soybean is a plant originally from China. Its scientific name is Glycine max L.; is part of the Fabaceae (legumes) family, as are peas, beans and lentils. It is a grain rich in protein and can be consumed by both humans and animals. In Brazil, it is a very planted grain and has a rounded shape with yellow color. It contains from 18% to 20% of oil and the bran represents 79% (it has a protein content of 45%). Its pod can have up to four seeds and its stability is limited by linolenic acid. In the last 20 years, soybean agriculture has doubled its cultivated area due to the high demand of the productive sector and the worldwide growth in the consumption of this grain by humans and animals. The culture has also had applicability in the production of biofuels. Currently, part of the soy produced is genetically modified (transgenic), as it requires less herbicides and, consequently, considerably reduces the cost of production. It also reduces the amount of impurities and moisture in the harvested grains. Due to these factors, the cultivation of transgenic soy has expanded more than that of conventional soy. In the industrial sector, this grain has wide application. In food production, it is used as a raw material for the production of soy milk, soy meat, tofu (soy cheese), candy, soy oil, flour, animal feed, etc. It is also present in the chemical processes of cosmetics, soap and in the production of biodiesel.
